Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today announced Aitken Hill Primary School in Yuroke will share in more than $6.6 million through Round 7 of the Inclusive Schools Fund.
Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today announced Aitken Hill Primary School in Yuroke will share in more than $6.6 million through Round 7 of the Inclusive Schools Fund.
Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today announced Gilgai Plains Primary School in Yuroke is among 145 school sites across the state to share in almost $10.7 million to establish a new outside school hours care service at their school from the beginning of 2022.
Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today announced Kalkallo Fire Brigade would receive funding to purchase a brand new medium tanker.
Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today announced that rental properties are now eligible for a $1000 rebate to replace old inefficient wood and gas heaters as part of the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program.
Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today announced that two projects in Yuroke were funded through the Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants program.
Member for Yuroke Ros Spence today revealed the interim menu of resources and initiatives to be available to government schools in Yuroke as part of the $200 million Fund, designed to better support students’ mental health.
The Andrew Labor Government’s signature Free TAFE initiative will grow to more than 60 courses in 2022 – giving more Victorians training for more jobs as the state moves through and beyond the coronavirus pandem
The Victorian Government is helping thousands of children celebrate Children’s Week in October by supporting local councils and not-for-profit organisations with grants for fun and free educational activities.
The Victorian Government is helping Victorians from multicultural backgrounds in Yuroke continue putting healthy and culturally appropriate food on the table as Victorians do their bit by staying home.
Every Victorian aged 16 years and over will be eligible to access a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine at state-run vaccination centres from tomorrow, under an expansion of the state vaccine program that will further help Victoria reach its goal of one million doses over five weeks.
The new site at the Ford Factory in Broadmeadows will be soft launched this Sunday by invitation only, and will open to the public for booked appointments from Monday 23 August.
A new 745 space car park has opened at Craigieburn Station, boosting the total number of parking spaces at the station to more than 1,200 and making it easier for commuters to find a car park and catch the train.
Tenders for construction have been put out as part of a $491.6 million investment to build 10 of the 13 new schools, contributing to the Labor Government’s promise to opening 100 new schools across the state by 2026. This includes Merrifield West Secondary School (interim name).
Our community's newest schools have been named: Gilgai Plains Primary School (formerly Kalkallo Common Primary School) and Greenvale Secondary College (formerly Greenvale Secondary School)
Ros Spence today announced that Keelonith Primary School in Greenvale and Elevation Secondary College in Craigieburn will receive further funding support to make their school more inclusive for all students.
Member for Yuroke, Ros Spence today welcomed the announcement from the Minister for Mental Health that Victorians can have their say on a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act, which will be the cornerstone for the redesigned mental health and wellbeing system that Victorians deserve.
The Victorian Budget 2021/22 will support an average of 38,000 jobs every year over the next four years, while also investing in the care, services and infrastructure our community needs.
Drivers in Craigieburn are a step closer to safer, smoother and more reliable journeys, with a contract awarded to upgrade Craigieburn Road.