Constituency Question: Greenvale Community Safety
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Police to provide information to residents on community safety in the suburb of Greenvale.
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Police to provide information to residents on community safety in the suburb of Greenvale.
Ros Spence MP notes the recent National Emergency Medal presentation to members of the Craigieburn community emergency response team.
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Education to visit the nearly completed Craigieburn North West Primary School.
Ros asks the Minister for Public Transport about additional bus services for the Greenvale community.
Ros congratulates local residents on raising funds for cancer research and prevention
Ros asks the Minister for Roads for further information regarding Mickleham, Somerton & Craigieburn Roads
Ros Spence MP requests that the Minister for Education funds the Doctors in Secondary Schools program for Craigieburn Secondary College and Mount Ridley College in the Yuroke electorate.
Ros Spence MP acknowledges local author and disability advocate Jessica Clear.
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Consumer Affairs about the rights of residents in retirement villages.
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Suburban Development about the establishment of her new portfolio.
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence to visit the Yuroke electorate.
Ros Spence MP thanks the Minister for Roads for his recent visit and asks him to update residents on steps to upgrade local roads.
Ros Spence MP pays tribute to community leader Keith Herring ASM.
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Disability about the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for Education about the benefits of the new Navigator pilot program.
Ros Spence welcomes new and returning members of the Yuroke Youth Advisory Council.
Ros Spence MP pays tribute to the former vice president of the Tasmanian Council of AIDS, Dez Hargreaves.
Ros asks the Minister for Multicultural Affairs about funding opportunities to help the Hume Interfaith Network engage young people.