Members Statement: Hume Interfaith Network
Ros notes the work of the Hume Interfaith Network's Youth Ambassadors.
Ros notes the work of the Hume Interfaith Network's Youth Ambassadors.
Ros congratulates Willmott Park Primary School students and teachers on their "Prime Minister for a Day" initiative.
Ros asks the Minister for Local Government about new local projects under the next round of Interface Growth Fund projects.
Ros asks the Minister for Education for support to acquire new land for the construction of an Aitken Hill P-6 school in Craigieburn
Ros asks the Minister for Public Transport about the benefits of the Melbourne Metro project for Craigieburn line commuters.
Ros congratulates the Craigieburn Bowling Club on their new clubrooms.
Ros Spence on the motion to take note of the addresses to Parliament regarding the prevention of family violence.
Ros Spence speaks on the Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015
Ros Spence speaks about the upcoming Hume Junior Chess Tournament
Ros Spence speaks about the sod turning for the future Craigieburn Regional Aquatic and Leisure Centre
Ros Spence speaks about the recent PAX Australia event
Ros Spence MP asks the Minister for the Local Government about the new Annadale community facility funded by the Andrews Labor Government.
Ros Spence congratulates the new Mayor of Hume, Cr Helen Patsikatheodorou.
Ros Spence speaks on the Relationships Amendment Bill 2015.
Ros Spence speaks on the Justice Legislation Amendment (Police Custody Officers) Bill 2015.
Ros Spence speaks on the Gambling Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.
Ros Spence congratulates local resident Julie Dobbie for her fundraising efforts
Ros Spence asks the Minister for Youth Affairs to attend the final meeting for 2015 of the Yuroke Youth Advisory Council.