Drivers in Craigieburn are a step closer to safer, smoother and more reliable journeys, with a contract awarded to upgrade Craigieburn Road.
Drivers in Craigieburn are a step closer to safer, smoother and more reliable journeys, with a contract awarded to upgrade Craigieburn Road.
74 tutors are working in schools across Yuroke to ensure no student is left behind in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
Four grassroots sport clubs and organisations in Yuroke are set to bolster their coaching skills, administration expertise, or score new sports equipment thanks to a share in more than $6,000 from the Victorian Government.
The thriving softball team Craigieburn Eagles will soon have a new home thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.
The Victorian Government today announced the final design of the scheme, which was supported by 85 per cent of participants during public consultations.